Platform building tip: Be the answer to someone’s question

Here is an author platform building tip – set aside an hour each week to seek out people with questions that you can give answers to. Not only does solving someone’s problem with a helpful answer show you to be an expert but it will draw new followers, fans, and subscribers. Why does free help […]

It is never too early to set up an author website

Your website is likely to be the cornerstone of your Author Platform. Getting your site established takes time. Getting your social media fans and followers to take not is, likewise, slow. As for building an email list – wow, that is a long project. If you have any ambitions of becoming an author, start work […]

Platform building tip: before and after shots of your opening paragraph

When it comes time to edit, copy and paste your opening paragraph into a separate document. Save it and forget about it. When you are or near the end of the editing process, copy and paste your revised opening paragraph into that other document. Now you can post a before and after, side-by-side comparison, of […]

Your platform hub

Your Author Platform is not complete without a hub. Your hub acts as the digital equivalent of your HQ. Your Author Platform hub should be something you control. That means on a site you run such that a social media site closing or kicking you out does not destroy your platform. A website or self-hosted […]

Review the author platform essentials checklist

If you are serious about establishing an effective author platform, you need to make sure you have nailed down the essentials. That is where our platform essentials checklist comes in. Even if your author platform has been growing for some time, it can still be helpful to review the list. You should check how well […]

What authors can learn from OnlyFans

Unless you have been living under a rock, you will probably have heard the news that OnlyFans is changing its policies in a way that removes the main (or often, only) revenue stream from most of its users. Users of OnlyFans are, understandably, upset about this. Here is what we authors can learn from these […]

Leveraging 18,000 Instagram Follows
Leveraging 18,000 Instagram Follows

Kate made $2,000 on her blog by leveraging a large Instagram following and developing her Pinterest presence. This case study is an interview with Kate led by Alison Reeves an online business coach based in the US.

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