One of the tools that Author Buzz provides is called JetPack it is made by the same people that make WordPress. In fact, you need a WordPress.com account to use JetPack. Don’t worry, they are free.
One of the things that JetPack can do for you is to automatically post to your social media accounts when you publish a blog post. This can be helpful for getting the attention of fans and followers.
Use attention-grabbing headlines and a compelling image to draw people in and then satisfy them with the great content you have promised.
While automation is easy, for some social media sites, you may wish to manually post content updates. The best approach is to experiment and see which way works best for you.
Faster loading sites make for better marketing and SEO. JetPack can take care of image speed by adding images to their CDN (Content Delivery Network) which will usually be faster than your own host.
Jetpack can be installed to WordPress blogs from the plugins menu. For author Buzz users, this is already downloaded and waiting for you to activate it.