Where should I host my blog/website?
Where should I host my blog/website?

It may be tempting to go for some free hosting. And honestly, this will get the job done. The downside is you lack some degree of control and whoever runs the hosting can take it away at any time. Hosting it “yourself” is fairly easy but it does cost a little time and money. About […]

This blog should be the Author Platforms directory host

This guide covers pretty much all of the author platform topics, webmentions are enabled on all the pages of the guide. Therefore, I suggest to the community, that this could be the host. This post is part of the (meta) discussion on the OpenMentions author platforms section.

Platform building tip: Use the local press
Platform building tip: Use the local press

One way to demonstrate platform reach to an agent or publisher is to demonstrate real-world reach. Many local newspapers accept freelance writers to help tell the news. Even ones that do not will often jump on a well-written press release. Be it by press release or freelance writing, make a point of getting published in […]

Familiarise yourself with the basic book marketing terms

There is no way to avoid the fact that, as an author today, you will need to learn the basics of marketing. Marketing is one of those things filled with arcane acronyms and weird jargon. That’s why we have a glossary of marketing terms to help you understand the language of selling online.

Become a book reviewer – I will show you how to convert that hobby into book sales

Book review blogs are a big deal. The most popular review sites have to charge to review book submissions if they even take them at all. This is something you can leverage to get many book sales. Let me tell you how. First, invest some time – several months at least. During that time publish […]

Subscribe to other author’s press releases to learn what works and what doesn’t

Press releases are a whole new skill set for an author to learn. One way to learn faster is to subscribe to other author’s press releases. You might discover a book you will enjoy but you will see enough examples of press releases to figure out what works. Just drop some key sentences into Google […]

Platform building tip: Mockup a social profile for your protagonist

Here is an author platform building tip – mockup a social profile for your protagonist This is an exercise in content creation for your platform as well as getting to know your main character better. You are helping yourself to write and your readers to get invested in your character before they even see your […]

When it comes to author platforms, perfection is overrated

As an author – established or starting out – a perfect website is not a thing that matters. As long as your platform engages readers and does not actively drive potential readers away, that is good enough. Your website could be the ugliest thing on the planet but if your readers engage with it, that […]

Do Millennials hate email?
Do Millennials hate email?

Back in 2015, Lela Perez told us “Millennials Hate Email”  but I can tell you some of Generation X are not too fond of it either. Scott Asai writes asking “Are Millennials Killing Emails?” The answer is, yes, sort of – Millennials just have other ways they prefer to communicate. At odds with the sentiment […]

Focus on what makes your work special

Too often we focus on things our work is like. That’s fine as a shortcut for who the work is aimed at. However, you must not forget to stand out from the crowd. Talk about what makes your work different.

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